Introducing Moosic - an Android app for people who are always on the go, who are always looking for something new, or are just feeling a little lost. With our Mood feature, you can get the perfect music for any moment - whether it's your favorite artist's new album or that perfect song for a road trip.

Listen to unlimited music with our Mood feature

Moods are soundtracks to your life. Get the perfect song for every situation with Moosic - whether it's your favorite artist's new album or that perfect song for a road-trip. Never think "I don't know what music to listen to" again!

Get personalized recommendations based on your musical taste

Find out today why more than 1 million people around the world use Moosic to discover and share their favorite songs, artists, and albums. Automatically get personalized recommendations based on your musical taste.

A simple navigation

The design features a simple navigation that allows users to navigate through the app with ease. The use of color also gave each section its own identity, while helping users find what they are looking for faster.

Welcome page

Main Features

  1. First, we have the home page option. This is the default option when logged users open the app. The purpose of this page is to encourage the users to play music.
  2. Smart mood selection page: This page contains a different tool than the ones I could find on music apps: a music search option based on feelings. This tool is based on an abstract of the ​PANAS model by Watson and Tellegen (1985)​, which basically is a diagram that categorizes feelings.
  3. Search feature page: Search options are a basic thing for any content-based application. This search feature allows users to search by adding text or even recording music. This also allows users to sort the results in different ways.
  4. Social hub page: On the social hub page we have just access to other’s profiles. This is split into people in my network and people I might know. Music content based on other’s activities will feed the home page content.
  5. My library page: This page uses the same hierarchy as the search page and it also uses similar content. The only difference is that here we have an option to download all content instead of a recording search feature. All content searched on this page will be only liked songs.