Growth Acceleration Partners | Target Test Developer

Growth Acceleration Partners | Target Test Developer

Promoted to software developer, I became proficient in Target Tests (Adobe...

Josue Somarribas

Josue Somarribas

Nov 1, 2021

Nov 1, 2021


6min read

Promoted to software developer, I became proficient in Target Tests (Adobe Target, JavaScript), Zeplin Mockups, and responsive design principles, with strong analytics tool expertise. I handled front-end development using JavaScript, jQuery, Bitbucket, Sass, HTML, and CSS, managed deadlines with a focus on requirements, and implemented Agile methodology using Jira and Confluence, ensuring continuous process documentation. I maintained ongoing communication with stakeholders and demonstrated versatility by rotating between Quality Assurance and developer roles.

Shaped by Josue Somarribas

Shaped by Josue Somarribas

Shaped by Josue Somarribas

Shaped by Josue Somarribas